Whenever you hear or read Ephesians 6:17 - which says - "...and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." - know the meaning because it will make the difference for you and others.

Let us talk swords.  The Roman soldier had five kinds of swords available for use.  The gladius or two-handed, long, heavy broadsword was a sword you might see in the movie Highlander or Braveheart.  Next, a shorter version of the gladius (17 in. long, 2.5 in. wide) was a lighter option.  Thirdly, a dagger-like sword was in the line-up for consideration.  Fourth, there was the long, slender cavalry sword, which was not good for hand-to-hand combat.  However, it was the machaira, that Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, described as "the sword of the Spirit".

According to the original Greek (machaira), the Roman equivalent of the "sword of the Spirit" is a double-edged weapon with the tip of the blade pointed upward for more tearing and ripping damage of a potential victim.  Many knives and swords have a flat, dull side so that when the knife is flipped open or out it does not hurt the hand.  In the case of carrying it on the belt without a scabbard the dull side would not harm the leg.  However, in this picture each side of the sword has an edge.  

"The phrase 'two-edged' is taken from the Greek word distomos, and it is unquestionably one of the oddest words in the entire New Testament.

Why is the phrase 'two-edged' so odd?  Because it is a compound of the word di, meaning two, and the word stomos, which is the Greek word for one's mouth.  Thus, when these two words are compounded into the word distomos, the new word describes something that is two-mouthed.  
(Dressed To Kill, Renner, p.416) 

The spiritual application of the blades (researched by Rick Renner) is that one edge of the blade to the "sword of the Spirit" is God speaking to you and the other is you speaking that same word out-loud into your situation or to others.  

Remember the temptation of Christ in the wilderness?  Matthew 4:1-11 describes the interaction between Jesus and Satan.  Do you recall Christ's replies to Satan's temptations?  Jesus said, "It is written...""It is also written...", and "It is written...".  For every scenario Satan presented to Jesus, the Messiah received a download from Heaven via the Holy Spirit.  Remember, it was just moments ago in Scripture that Jesus was baptized and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in the form of a dove, empowering Jesus to begin His ministry.  In addition, it was the Holy Spirit that led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted.  

So, I encourage Christians to verbally say out loud to their situations, "It is written...".  Pray or quote the Word of God over that situation in faith, especially after receiving a Rhema word of God, and your faith will soar.  This hearing ability and speaking ability calls for an understanding of the second phrase mentioned above - "word of God". 

The "word of God" is NOT translated as the written word or Bible in this instance.  This "word of God" that does so much damage to the kingdom of darkness, translated from the original Greek, is the Rhema Word of God.  Go look it up and research it. You will find - "It describes something that is spoken clearly; spoken vividly; spoken in undeniable language; or spoken in unmistakable, unquestionable, certain, and definite terms.  In the New Testament, the word rhema carries the idea of a quickened word,...a 'word from the Lord'...special power or direction to that believer.  The Holy Spirit might drop a rhema word into our hearts, supernaturally remind us of a scripture, or put us in remembrance of a Bible promise." (Dressed To Kill, Renner, p.407) 

The key is that the "sword of the Spirit" or revealed Word of God hangs or is supported by The Belt of Truth which is the Logos, written Word of God, or The Bible (Epehsians 6:14: Matthew 4:4).  If the Christian has his/her Belt of Truth (written Word of God) tightly fitted around their mind and life, then a Rhema word will be near at hand.  "Jesus referred to this quickening work of the Holy Spirit in John 14:26 when He said, 'But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.' "  (Renner, p.407) 

"If you are in the Word - if you are walking with the loinbelt of truth affixed to your life - you are in position to hear from God.  

One reason people don't experience results when they confess God's Word is that they speak before the Word has personally done its life-transforming work inside of them.  They hastily begin to mimic what someone else confessed or what someone else did before the Word has had time to take root in their hearts and to renew their minds.  But because the Word of God hasn't yet become personal revelation to them, it produces no lasting results.

...the Word of God had better be in you - living, active, and powerful!  Moreover, it had better be more than mere head knowledge.  If all you have is head knowledge of God's Word, the devil will be able to confuse you and ultimately pull you down into defeat.

A believer's ability to walk in this kind of supernatural direction and revelation is completely determined by how much Word he has inside of him.  People who receive frequent rhema words from the Lord are people who have made the logos, the written Word, a central part of their lives."  (Renner, pages 423, 420-421, 427, and 425)

Notice "Spirit" is capitalized.  It is the Holy Spirit's "sword" with us that begins to make the difference.  The first step is knowing the meaning between Logos and Rhema.  

Logos is The Written Word of God, better known as The Belt of Truth in the armor of God located in Ephesians 6.  This written Word (Logos/Belt of Truth) holds all things together and supports the use of the rest of the armor and weapons.

Rhema is inspiration drawn from God's Logos, Mind or Spirit that was not necessarily observed before and is applicable to a situation or something God wants the Christian to know at this time. 

The second step is to make the difference for your life and the lives of others.  You do this by reading the written Word of God (The Bible) and being sensitive to any special revelation God may desire to uncover.  This is a great start on wielding "the sword of the Spirit", the Rhema Word of God appropriately in our lives.  Within your spiritual armor, your Belt is the written Word, your Sword of the Spirit is a personal, quickened Word.  Knowing the meaning makes the difference.
